Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye
Fondly known as Daddy G.O., Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) was born on 2nd March 1942 at Ifewara in the present-day Osun State. Against all odds, he graduated from the University in 1967, at the age of 25. Between 1967 and 1975 he added two more degrees, an M.Sc. in Hydrodynamics and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. He later became a lecturer at the University of Lagos and the University of Ilorin in Nigeria before he was called into full-time ministry.
Pastor E.A. Adeboye joined RCCG in 1973 and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ on the 29th of July 1973. While reflecting later on his conversion he said, “Something overwhelmed me mightily: that I was close to hell and I didn’t know it. I suddenly realized that it is possible to have all the Ph.D.s in the world and still be on the losing side. I knew all the formulas but I did not know the one for eternal life”. He became Papa Akindayomi’s interpreter and was ordained a Pastor of the church in 1975. His appointment as the General Overseer of the church was formalized by the posthumous reading of the founder of the RCCG, Papa Akindayomi’s sealed pronouncement
Under the leadership of Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the LORD transformed the Church from a local Church to a worldwide Church with branches in over 180 countries. Today, RCCG has 40,000 parishes in Nigeria and over 900 in the United States of America. Pastor E.A. Adeboye, a holiness preacher, have witnessed diverse miracles of healing in his ministry than any other contemporary minister of the gospel of the Kingdom, with the LORD fulfilling Matthew 11:5 “The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised and the poor have the gospel preached to them,” in his life and ministry.
Pastor Adeboye is married to Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye. Her support in the missions, women, and children ministry complements the efforts of her husband’s ministry. They are blessed with glorious children and many grandchildren.
Joe Paulo
Joe Paulo has been President & Chief Executive Officer of Hope Media Group since 2018. With an extensive background in media and leadership, he began at KSBJ as Vice-President of Operations in 2017 after serving at Educational Media Foundation (K-LOVE/Air1) as the Director of Donor Stewardship and Communications. He led a division of Columbia International University as Director of Broadcasting until 2014, overseeing the growth of successful radio stations in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina.
Joe has also provided volunteer leadership at the board of director level for other nonprofits such as Youth Commission International and Christian Music Broadcasters. He earned a Master’s Degree in Business with honors from Liberty University in 2014. In addition to speaking on leadership, fundraising, and media, Joe and his wife, Kelly, have hosted or spoken at numerous marriage and parenting events to share their passion for marriage, parenting, and adoption. Joe and Kelly have been married for 30 years and have three daughters and two sons.

Pastor Suzette Caldwell
Pastor Suzette Caldwell serves as Senior Pastor for the Windsor Village Church Family, one of the country’s largest Protestant churches. Under Caldwell’s leadership, several independently operated nonprofits and community development projects continue to change the social and economic landscape of Central Southwest Houston. Founded by Kirbyjon Caldwell, the projects include Pointe 2.3.4. projects which collectively provide 530.6 full-time equivalent jobs and make an annual $65.5 million cash flow impact on the community.
Caldwell also serves as Board Chair and CEO of The Prayer Institute, a non-profit community-based organization that prays for the Houston metropolitan area and national and global issues. Caldwell has taught thousands of people, nationally and internationally how to pray based on The Model Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer). Under Caldwell’s leadership, The Prayer Institute has actively carried out its mission to take the world by prayer through its participation in local, national, and international events, including the Greater Houston Prayer Breakfast, the National Day of Prayer, the Global Alliance World Conference and two presidential inaugurations.
In 1986, Caldwell graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. Caldwell’s professional career as an environmental engineer in the public and private sector spans over 17 years. As an entrepreneur, she owned TC Consulting Group, Inc., an environmental consulting company. In September 1997, Governor George W. Bush appointed Caldwell to the University of Houston System Board of Regents. Currently, Caldwell is finishing her Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. Suzette and her husband, Kirbyjon Caldwell, are the parents of three young adult children.
Pastor Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard is a Pastor at Inspired Church, a Church whose foundation is built on the word of God, worship, and prayer. Until April 2019, the Church was known as Christian Tabernacle. Inspired Church is a multicultural, multigenerational Church with a vision to see people lives transformed by the presence of and the power of His word.
On a Sunday morning in October 1996 during worship, a remarkable divine visitation forever transformed our concept of “having Church.” As Pastor Heard read from the book of 2 Chronicles, the power of God struck the pulpit, split it into two parts, and threw him backward to the floor. So dynamic was this manifestation, some saw angels, and others experienced healings and the demonstrations of the Spirit. For almost three months, Inspired Church had unpredictable services that focused on repentance and seeking God’s face rather than His gifts. This dramatic encounter revolutionized Pastor, Dr. RichardHeard’s ministry and left a perpetual anointing upon the Church. The unprecedented demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit in splitting the pulpit inspired Tommy Tenney, Pastor Dr. Heard guest speaker that day, to write his best-seller book, The God Chasers in 1998.

Pastor Rickie Bradshaw
Pastor Rickie Bradshaw has been the Pastor of First Southwest Baptist Church for 36 years. Also, along with his position as the serving Pastor of First Southwest Baptist Church, Pastor Rickie serves at Hope Media Group as Prayer Initiatives Director, and presently serves as the Ministry and Outreach Director. Pastor Rickie is a known international speaker on Transforming Revival, City Transformation, Transformational Leadership, Church Planting strategy, and Criminal Justice Ministry.
Pastor Rickie also served 25 years as a Church Consultant for Union Baptist Association in Houston, Texas. As a consultant at Union Baptist Association, he was responsible for church planting multiplication, community transformation, church leadership development, and prayer initiatives.
Rickie Bradshaw has been happily married to Dreka for 40 years. They are blessed with 7 children and 14 wonderful grandchildren.
Pastor John Parks
Senior Pastor & Elder, Ashford Community Church
For over 30 years, Pastor John Parks has served the body of Christ, pastoring andplanting churches throughout the greater Houston, Texas region. He and his wife,LeeAnn Parks, currently serve as Senior Pastors of Ashford Community Church. Thispastorate was the result of following a vision of the John 17 mandate. An internationalmandate to create a space for Jesus’s prayer of every tribe, and every tongue to begathered as one. The manifestation of this mandate is known as KingdomCity–Houston. There are as many as 12 congregations that call KingdomCity home. Withinthose congregations there are 64 nations that are represented. Pastor John is believingfor a powerful end-time gathering harvest of souls from the most culturally diverse city inAmerica and perhaps the World!

Pastor Brett Smith
New Life Church, Houston Texas
Evangelist Gideon Eboh
Evangelist Gideon Eboh is the Pastor overseeing The Voice of His Coming Ministry, a ministry that preaches repentance on the streets of the cities of America, praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 over the cities, states, and the nation, calling America to return to GOD in genuine repentance and pursuit of holiness.
In November 1998, barely a year of his arrival in the United States of America, Gideon began to experience an unusual encounter with a voice that repeatedly spoke from the back seat of his car. The voice told him mysterious things concerning the past, the present, and the future of the greatest democracy on earth, the United States of America. The Lord demanded that he should walk through the streets of the cities of America with a banner that was shown to him in an open vision, proclaiming, “America! Return to the LORD your GOD.” The LORD told him to call the ministry “The Voice of His Coming Ministry.” Furthermore, he was asked to write that which was told to him and send it to the leaders of America in Washington DC. Accordingly, he sent copies of the prophetic declaration to President Bill Clinton; Dennis Hastert, the Honorable Speaker of the House, and the Senate Majority Leader, Senator Trent Lott, who graciously write him a reply.
One stunning revelation the LORD told Gideon was that he should cry to the hearing of the leaders of America, saying, thus says the Lord, “As I called Abraham from the Ur of Chaldean to form the nation of Israel for myself to bring forth the salvation of the world, even so have I formed America for myself to make known the excellency of my glory to the nations through the Church. I formed America to bring the world to the knowledge of my love and power through Church by the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom.” Then, the Lord added that America has forsaken Him and has become a god to herself; that if America does not repent, He will raise the dragon with many floods against the nation. This is why we stand in the heat of the summer and the cold winter to “America! Return to the LORD your GOD.”
Like Jonah in the Bible, Gideon was obstinate. He argued he did not come to America to do ministry. However, the LORD prevailed on him with a series of incidents that almost took his life. He answered the call to go into full-time ministry in August 1999. While he was ministering on the streets with the New Orleans in 2000, he heard the LORD say to him “when you return to Houston, go tell the Mayor Brown the LORD says “allow me to hold prayer meeting at the steps of the City Hall to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 over the city and the nation of America.” The Mayor obliged him, and since then, successive mayors of the City of Houston have readily approved and attended this prayer gathering which is now known as the Greater Houston Prayer Gathering.
In order for Gideon successfully execute this great assignment of calling America back to GOD, the Lord gave him Grace – as a wife. Grace and Gideon are blessed with two young men, Joshua and David, and with the great families that make up The Voice of His Coming Ministry.